Had my first real cake delivery today. It was like I was on one of those tv shows where I had to be very careful for pot holes and road construction so I wouldn’t mess up the cakes I was bringing to a customer. It was very exciting and nerve wracking at the same time! I got there and was greeted by a very happy little boy who was very quick to point out how much he loved cake!These cakes were for a cute little girl’s birthday party. The theme was Butterfly Garden and she was going to be wearing a fairy style dress. I tried to incorporate their colors of copper, goldenrod and antique pink. I had a little trouble with some things like the borders and such but over all it came out nice. It was a buttercream frosted cake with fondant accents. Chocolate cake on the bottom tier and strawberry cake on the top tier. The smash cake was white cake.
I can’t wait for the next cake I’ll be doing in a couple of weeks! Stay tuned!
you rock!