Halleluiah!!! At least for a couple of days the weather here in Florida has hit the 40s in the morning! Some might say that is ‘cool’ (and those from Alaska might even say it is warm) but to my skin it’s COLD and I love it! My windows are open and I’m wearing my fluffy slippers! It makes me want to go outside and clean my garage or sit on the patio with a great cup of coffee and read with my little waterfall machine running in the background. Who couldn’t love this change of weather? It’s so great! Did I mention, IT’S COLD! Enjoy it while you can Floridians!
New addition: The comment Gabby made got me thinking about when I was little. I remember waking up to what I thought was freezing weather (as freezing as you can get in Miami, FL). My brother and sister and I would huddle around our little gas flame heater because we hadn’t upgraded our house to central a/c & heat. We would all get dressed there too, which is kind of odd because I don’t remember changing my clothes in front of my siblings…. but anyway. I loved those simple times.
Gabriella the Great says
I hear ya chica! Its nice and cold! My mom said they’ve been having cold morning and days. She was kinda complaining. So I said…”send it on over here” we’d welcome that weather with open arms…..well some of us that is.
This weather reminds me of waking up early on Saturdays as a kid in Novemeber and having a garage sale. I’d sit on the cold fold up chair with my hot cocoa. And then take breaks going inside to warm up.
chilly's mom says
Wow. Nice memory Gabby. Maybe I’ll update my blog and mention what I remember about my childhood mornings. Thanks!
David says
I remember as a child when we would have a cold snap and all the polar bears came out of hibernation and we would have to fend them off with bottles of hair spray and cigarette lighters. Then we’d have to cut holes in the ice to get fish for our evening meals. Wow…the memories.Wait! I hear a Polar Bear. Gotta go!
chilly's mom says
Ahh, LOST. What a great show! 🙂
Gabriella the Great says
Oh my gosh…I just had a LOST moment!!!
Lucy says
We had an unexpected cold streak here in CA for most of the month too…usually it would be pretty warm if not hot.
It is so FUN! I totally agree that cold weather is perfect for the fuzzy slippers and hot coffee. Yay!
Shalaka says
I was just getting caught up on all of your blogs that I missed. Too funny!!!
Chad Oneil says
Time for a new post, Michele.