I decided to make David a new Drawing Board stand. He has been asking for a movable one for some time now and I figured it would make a good birthday gift for him this year. About 4 years ago, when I made our desks, I also made him a stand but it didn’t change angles. (see below)
He wanted one that could move lower, and even flatten for inking and writing purposes. So, after much time in the “R&D lab”, I came up with something David really likes. He was very surprised and delighted when he opened it on his birthday’s eve. It took me like 5 hours to finish. (I hadn’t used my table saw in a while and needed time to get comfortable with it again.) It’s no masterpiece but it’s inexpensive and it works well, I think. I am pretty happy with it too. I haven’t decided if I’ll paint it yet, but I’m leaning that direction.
it was awesome!!!!
Good Job. Hey maybe you could make something for me for my BIG 50 birthday, this year. Would that be possible?
very cool. i see the hulk hiding behind it.